Join us on our quest to get all of our holiday shopping done by October 31st, so we can actually enjoy the holiday season with our friends and family.
At this point, you should have a fully formed list of all your gift giving recipients, chock full with ideas and plans of what to get each of them. If you're like me, you may have a number of people on your list that you've put "know it when I see it" or left blank or something similar. For a handful of people, there isn't a specific gift or even a general idea that comes to mind. I swear, I'll know the item is perfect for them as soon as I see it.
So, here's the thing: "know it when I see it" is kind of a cop out. Yes, it happens sometimes -- as I'm out and about, I do sometimes see something that is just right that would never have crossed my mind. But more often than not, I don't see it, it becomes crunch time and the pressure of last minute shopping sinks in, which oftentimes results in a less than meaningful gift.
Here's what I'd like you to do: at least write down a couple of places to look for these people. Maybe you don't have an idea of what to get, but you have an idea of where to get it -- places that might have something just right for them.
Next, make a list of the no-brainer gifts on your list. These are the ideas that you know are just perfect, you know where to get them, and they are going to be easy to tackle. Take care of the no-brainers this week -- go out, get 'em done, cross them off the list. This accomplishes at least 4 things. First of all, it gets you started, which can sometimes be hard. Next, it gives you momentum -- what a feeling of accomplishment to actually have some gifts under your belt, so early on! It's going to get you in the spirit as well, as you'll also have that feeling of joy when you think about gifting the items in your shopping bags. Lastly, it gets you out there, which is just what you need for those "I'll know it when I see it" people.