Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hot Dog!

What's your favorite flavor (of ice cream or hot dog!) to get at Treat Street? Did you know that they have a brand new line up of hot dog offerings??

We LOVE the chili cheese dogs (my family is allergic to beans and let me tell you, it is SO hard to find bean free chili cheese dogs. The meaty sauce from TS is just what my gang loves). A complete meal with chips and jelly beans, it makes everysingle one of us soooo happy. Even our dogs (who actually get their own ice cream cones to devour, courtesy of Treat Street) are thrilled. Have you ever seen a happy Great Dane? It'll make your day, much the way that Treat Street makes ours.

Want to win a gift certificate to Treat Street? They've kindly donated two $10, two $15 and a $20 gift certificate as part of our Oakwood Plaza Father's Day promotion. Stop by Initial Attraction between now and June 13th and you'll automatically receive a raffle ticket to possibly win one of these certificates. For every $10 that you spend at Initial Attraction, we'll give you additional raffle tickets to put towards the certificates. Winners will be selected at close of business on 6/13.

For the perfect gift and a fabulous place for the family to feast, Treat Street and Initial Attraction have everything you need to make this Father's Day exceptionally memorable.

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